The Weekly Wrap: April 3 - April 9
While it featured all the standard promotional trappings, event
week for the Ultimate Fighting Championship's debut in the Middle
East played...
The Weekly Wrap: March 27 - April 2
It was the kind of dominance that left commentators thinking about
the career legacy of the victor instead of the night’s performance.
Doggy Bag: The Future of MMA
This week, readers weigh in on the future blueprint to MMA success,
the UFC's use of a minor-league system, the rise of George
Sotiropoulos and the outlook of...
The Weekly Wrap: July 4 - July 10
UFC 100, set for Saturday in Las Vegas, has the potential to be the
most lucrative show in UFC history and the most-bought non-boxing
event in...
MMA Fighters & Boxing Counterparts: Part 3
In this three-part series,’s Jason Probst takes a
closer look at some mixed martial arts athletes and those in the
Sweet Science...